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Your Click in the Web

Your click in the chess board is the idea that drive us to promote the first (at this moment) on-line artist contest. ClickInChessboard is born to develop this idea following the basic philosophy to make the web-user free and autonomous to manage his partecipation.

Basic Philosophy

Therefore ClickInChessboard intends to coordinate the freedom of Internet, as media that everybody can use comfortably at home, and proposes the innovation (for the traditionalist artist) of a digital gallery, considered as area of pure fantasy, of memory, and aesthetics beauty.


Following this philosophy of freedom and innovation, this site wants to give the user the possibility to visit a virtual gallery of artistic works sent by candidates, send his works and vote them. In this new panorama, both the professional artist and the occasional user become protagonists of the initiative.

Persons concerned

All the persons having the hobby of photo are concerned by the contest ClickInChessboard. The candidates have to accept the deadlines (time-terms) and rules. Competitors must make their registration and send copies of their works by mail. Works will be admitted only after the receipt of works and agreement.


No topic limitation.
Following its philosophy, this contest is FREE.
Works will be selected, after a first popular (on the net) judgement, by a qualified jury.
After the proclamation of the winners, the virtual gallery will continue to show the more interesting works.
The deadline to register is 30-10-24


ASD Circolo Scacchistico di Montella – Concorso ClickInChessboard
Via Vico Ferri, 2 – I83048 Montella – AV – Italia